Building Computers & Playing Fortnite

We’re moving over to the new site fulltime soon & this domain will be archived.


current stats as of 6/8/2024

I built a second gaming computer for personal use, compare it to my primary, I will be upgrading when the next generation comes out.

2nd Gaming PC

Primary Computer

I’ve thought about doing a few things, I’m just waiting for the next generation graphics cards because DDR7 & PCIE5 bandwidth will really change things up & my current hardware is compatible with it, but, you know how the industry is they’ll keep releasing newer, faster, processors & chipsets & I’m just going to maintain with my current budget because I’m not just building computers, you’re talking about displays & peripherals & many other things, including paying for the software.

all these HDDs I need to get rid of but don’t just want to throw away so I may end up having to give them away

Where to begin..

I met this girl while working, this is a common thing, & she sat in my car & complained about her baby’s daddy & all the nonsense & while being far too honest with me, I realize she was on crack. No seriously, literally on crack. She looked like a normal person. Anyway, I got her safely home & told her to control her money.

Married with Children started streaming on Youtube & so far it’s continued running 24/7.

420 viewers

picked up some skins for cheap, you know I’m addicted to sugar & Fortnite haha

I bought yet another Batman skin, this time for my alt account. I gifted it to myself from my OG account.

I also picked up the drift pack & the transformers pack.

I spend way too much on this game.

So yes, the car jacking. A couple of people ran up on me while I was walking to my vehicle & they had a gun & demanded the keys so I gave them the keys & they left & then the police recovered the vehicle. Fortunately I had only put 2 gallons in the car because I was in a hurry & had only just fueled up & was on the way to a meeting when it happened. It’s still being investigated. I need to fill out a form & have been behind ever since it happened because this basically only resulted in multiple expenditures for me. Although, I did meet a new friend.

Speaking of new friends, I got an intern! An intern began working part time two days a week at my computer repair shop.

With the summer here & gone my mom continued the work on her house. It’s definitely come a long way. I did not have time to really make it down there much this year. This is a Google Maps image & I’ll take a photo when I’m there to show more of what’s been done. You can probably tell the porch, windows, siding, roof, trim, gutters, everything is new. They also had remodeled the living room & removed the old stairs & my uncle built a new staircase to the second floor. The old one was fine, but the new staircase isn’t so steep. Anyway, she’s working on the kitchen & the entire second floor. Maybe she eventually gets to remodeling the basement.

That’s what my Grandfather did last with his old place decades ago. I remember I was a kid & he had said he was going to remodel the basement & he did an excellent job, it went from an unfinished basement to a complete basement with a TV room, laundry room, storage, hallways, bathroom, shower, & an additional two bedrooms. Later when I got older he & I remodeled his porch & it became yet another room for TV & poker.

This isn’t the first house my mom remodeled, but it was the least prepared property & a huge project so the time it’s taken is justifiable in that regard.

Just so much going on, I’ll try to find time to do an update on some of the machines I’ve been repairing. I have another website for my business which actually has photos of some of that work, but the most recent machine I am fixing cost about $4000 & I found that MSI put in thermal pads that began to deteriorate & turn into liquid & they leaked into the M.2 SSDs & I’m fixing that currently.

He’s got a 4080 & yeah no issue with the CPU or GPU & I was worried it might be the M.2 after the testing but now I see what it is.

I should have checked it first after he described the symptoms but I have a process & his machine was a beast so I didn’t want to take it apart unless I had to. This happened to BOTH SSDs but I’ve cleaned them up & we’ll run some further tests. Beware MSI owners, check those thermal pads. They should dry up & disintegrate if anything, not turn to liquid as was the case with these MSI pads.

Also, my friend Aaron gave me another TV! It’s a 55″ 4K TV.

I’m not sure what I’ll do with it yet, but I’ll figure something out.