Upgrades & Repairs

I have seven new Fortnite wins / videos on the way! The EverQuest Bard Epic video is also still in the works & I still plan to release additional EverQuest Epic Quest videos. Jesse will be joining me on some of that.

This case must be fairly common, I keep seeing it.

I had to clean this one a lot as it had dog hair and other dirt and dust inside. I also had to replace several mounting brackets & all of the mounting screws since he only used four screws & they were the wrong size, hence the need for replacing the brackets. Afterward I updated the bios, windows, and all of the drivers. It now runs Apex perfectly & he added me in Fortnite.

Here’s a photo of one of my machines running.

I was at a pawn shop & they had a complete copy of Jackal for sale! I didn’t buy it but not a bad price for retail at $80. To be honest I was surprised to see it.

Guess what! I got a new office to replace my office in Minneapolis. I will be working out of multiple locations. I’ll give you an update on that in the future.

I did a liquid cooling replacement for a customer. His liquid cooling had failed, the pump had gone out, so I installed this for him & that solved his issue with it overheating and shutting down.

Below is an image of a machine that was also overheating from liquid cooling. The customer did not want to spend the money to replace the liquid cooling, so I installed air cooling for him & that solved his issue.

I did not take a photo of it after I fixed it, but it now has a similar cooler to the one in my machine from above.

Another guy came in & he needed his bios updated from F2 all the way to 63D, which is a lot of updates, but I got it done. I had to flash it numerous times because that’s what the manufacturer recommended.

It’s now running great & I’m actually returning this to him on Monday just to be sure, I’m running some additional tests.

Look out for those videos next week! I will be moving into my new office & getting things settled but I hope to post at least a few wins by Sunday evening.

That’s about it for this update, a lot more happened, but this was fun. Time for supper & some drinks.

Another Win

I had some Arena wins but here is an early season win with Leaf & Topher.

I did not play well yesterday & I decided to get a lot of sleep today & I’m hoping to play better this evening & Sunday. There were several games we came in 2nd I feel like I could have won if I had hit my shots. I am going to make an adjustment & also play some games on my new laptop.

Computer Work

Of course I’m still fixing computers for people.

This one I only cleaned up & reinstalled windows. It received some updates & the latest drivers. The kid wants to resell it. It’s a nice machine, an i7-9700 with a 2070 super, 32gb of ddr4 & an intel m.2 drive.

Still working on some Macs too.

You know how it goes.

It’s either working or it isn’t.

I’d detail all the problems & post even more pics but there is the time factor & as far as blog updates go, this is more or less meant to give you an idea of what I’ve been up to & I feel this more than covers that criteria.

Oh & I went to Capriotti’s again. This is the American Wagyu steak sandwich.

I was Gifted a Shirt

My now X got me this shirt but before you ask well why then did you break up with her, know that she paid for the shirt with my money & also she was going to trial for attempted murder. I actually ghosted her. The thing is, we had been friends since the summer when we met on Hennepin Ave in Minneapolis. However, then one day I noticed she was calling me her boyfriend & saying this to pretty much everyone & I thought, shouldn’t I be consulted about this? Also, she kept spending my money & causing a lot of drama. I was concerned about the nature of the relationship so I literally ghosted her, I left her on University Ave at a hair salon.