Videos Forthcoming!

I found an old video I want to edit & I won a couple games yesterday I may post as well. Either way, at least, possibly multiple videos, are on the way!

Alex & I had a few wins.

Check out the different ingredients depending on where your drink is sourced.

I was selling some games. I’ve sold nearly all of these games.

I still have a lot of Famicom games left.

Besides opening magic I had been opening sports packs & I also have some posters coming. I ordered some Star Wars packs from 1997 to open too.

Magic the Gathering

I pulled another Phyrexian which is worth $30. I sold the first one to Travis.

I listed some cards for sale. I’m not getting many results on the sports cards, but some things are selling.

I am also selling this game & a book. I had made a trade for this game at a convention in Saint Cloud. I like the game a lot but I sold Scarface & that’s the only other game I considered playing on PS2. I’ll probably give this game an hour or two of play eventually here before it sells.

This book has gone up in value but as it has gone up in value, the condition of mine has gotten worse. That’s because this is a great book and I traveled with it on my more recent trip to Vegas & so these things happen.

I recently sold a Cris Carter autograph. I sold it for $20, which is a great price. I received this as a gift about 20 years ago & then one time I went to sell it but the guy who looked at it, he didn’t want it, but he told me he had seen a lot of these and seemed to think I would sell it but at that point I decided to take it down & then just put it in storage. Since I am trying to clear out my storage unit, and I’m here in Minneapolis, it was an easy sale at $20.

and I sold a lot of excess cards for $35

He was a good single father & we talked about cards & games and things like that. I was at his place about half an hour dropping these cards off. I estimate the potential value of these cards to be in the hundreds of dollars but I don’t have time to go through all of these since I already have so many other cards.

I thought this was a cool card I got from a pack.

I found a lot more but this is just an example of some of what I found. I also found a lot of foils.

I also pulled this Pete Rose card. I had some packs show up from a seller on eBay & I was happy to find this card. My friend said he’d give me $10 for it.

I also picked up this video game. I cleaned it up.

Here is a photo of the game before I cleaned it.

I bought some packs and boxes to open.

It ended up being more than I expected.. My desk was a little messy.

I pulled a Demonic Tutor. This was exciting. I pulled it on a stream and I am thinking about editing some of the video so that it’s easy to watch on Youtube, but honestly, it’s not that exciting for the viewer. But it’s great for me!

I sold a college student a bluetooth keyboard earlier & I sold one to a security guard.

I did a bit of a trade for this card. I traded a pre-constructed mono red deck for this card.

that’s a promo card on the right and the God of Fright is foil too & the price has gone up lately

it’s cool that they are reprinting some of the old cards in this latest set..

it’s been fun & maybe I’ll buy more packs in the future but after spending what I’ve spent, I think I’ll continue to sort through what I have for collectibles, including magic, & slim it down until I only have what I want to keep.

I also pulled a lightning bolt & some of the foils look terrific. I’ll post more later.

More Trades!

I traded some games in and ended up with a box of magic cards!

I did a stream opening the box & didn’t get very many viewers but I did get some.

Also, I found over $100 worth of cards. I did get one decently valued card but the rest were $1 to $10, at least, the ones that I included in the $100 tally. There weren’t many cards I included.

I traded mostly loose Sega games for this, as well as a few disc games, but nothing really worth more than about $10, so, quite a few items in to get the in-store credit for this box & then I opened it & now I have, instead of a bunch of loose Sega games, a bunch of loose magic cards. Although, I am planning to make a deck.

I’ll return later and update the post with some of the cards I got since my phone is charging and I cannot take any additional photos right now but if you want to go over to Twitch you can see the previous stream, provided you are clicking within the next 30 days.

I found a full art Harmonize, the God of Fright, Toski, a Pathway, and the most expensive, a Kindred Discovery. There are other cards I found, and I had hoped to find something more, but this will do. In the future I will keep up on card lists and try to get in on an expansion with some good cards in it. Not that there aren’t good cards in this, just that I would like to pull something like a Demonic Tutor again and I realize earlier this month they had some packs out with that possibility and I missed them entirely but at that point I wasn’t really doing anything with Magic again.

Random Update

I received my new furniture yesterday!

The office is looking better and getting more organized.

I am selling more items & also buying some new things.

I am getting the cards organized.

I wish I did take some photos of what I sold but I did sell an SNES I had, as well as a 40″ Sony TV & a white PS1 as well as the PS3 fat boys, and a Sega & games. I also sold some Gamecube, Wii U, SNES, and NES games. I’m narrowing my systems and games & branching out into new things. I am considering buying a couple arcade boards.

There’s a lot going on, I would like to document it all, but it’s a trade off, for time; I also have some videos I want to make from Fortnite gameplay.

I played some EverQuest & got over 70 viewers. However, only one of the 70+ viewers messaged me & only one of the 70+ viewers followed. I’ll keep experimenting with different streams & games. Currently I am playing DayZ, Fortnite, Madden, Red Dead, GTA V, EverQuest, & EQ 2, as well as various retro games.

So I traded this game here

For $100 cash and some other games & cards.

Here is some of what I got.

these cleaned up nicely when I got back to the office

I found out this game, Tomba!, had gone up in value already & appears poised for another jump!

That copy of Hagane could be worth up to, let’s say, $1200, but I really only valued it at about $400 & I only paid about $130 for it. I typically like selling Hagane wholesale to retailers & rarely to private collectors, at least, these days, because private collectors are sometimes resellers in disguise & if I am going to deal with a reseller, I might as well go to an established reseller who doesn’t attempt to hide their intentions. We agreed on $100 cash & $317 store credit, & after checking what I received, the Force of Will & Tomba! were really great deals, in fact, everything I bought it sells for more, elsewhere.

I still need to sort through cards.

Here are some of the cards I’m messing with,

Also, that is my unorganized office with new furniture. (finally)

The plan is to do the walls with movie posters.

I had some packs show up! The rest will be here Monday. Also, all the plastics arrived. I should be able to finish selling everything off by the end of the summer and be down to just the things I want to keep for my own entertainment. I know that I will never truly be out from under all the stuff I have. The video below is George Carlin talking about stuff.

I pulled this from a pack.

I did get a decent Bo Jackson card out of these packs, but not much more.

I’m selling some other games.

I know eventually I’ll sell it. That one damaged Famicom game, I actually bought that from a guy on eBay who was trying to get too much for the game but I bought it anyway on accident late one night & just said.. whatever

ah this is just a partial update.. a lot more going on in the stream but I won’t be saving most of that.. see ya in game!


I found some great cards, including two Brett Favre rookie cards.

I have more packs coming today, this time some MLB packs.

There is a video up where I open all of the packs on twitch. I am far behind on video editing, I have more videos to edit from Fortnite and I may make a pack opening video if I have enough videos saved because I don’t keep track of the videos all the time and they end up lost but we’ll see if I can get a few boxes edited down to a few minutes.