Fortnite’s New Season

So, it’s nice to see that much of the lag is gone now that the Spider-Man crap is out of the game. Also, I’ve been getting more time to play battle royale. Met some new people, got some more wins this season, & in fact, things are so much better now after cutting ties with certain people. I do that every now & then, just because, they begin to take me for granted & have high demands.

Anyways, I posted some new videos & earlier today I clutched up a trios game. It came down to a 3 v 1 & obviously, you know, that’s a tough situation, but I had knocked the one kid twice, they kept bringing him back up, & then I knocked him again & caught his buddy trying to resurrect the other knocked kid & got into the box with my gold pistol & got the win. I’ll likely post that video with some other videos at a later date.

Here are some videos that I did already upload to Youtube!

Fortnite Season Update

So the bugs and glitches are still persistent. I have started leveling my Save the World accounts as well between battle royale gameplay. I continue to run into ridiculous players who intentionally sabotage the battle royale games. I think they are used to losing & in addition to that, some of these kids would rather take the easy L as opposed to even trying for a win. I don’t think they can take the disappointment of actually trying for a win & losing so instead they sabotage the games intentionally, then act like it isn’t even that serious.

That being said, no one said it was serious. However, some people have skill, & some players just try to drag those players down. I’m still, as always, behind on videos & edits. The issue is that I would rather play more & that’s why videos are left undone. I also want to post some of what is going on in Save the World but as always, check out my streams.

Also, their attempts to fix the hammer glitches ultimately resulted in simply a hammer nerf. Typical Fortnite. Also, when they went to fix the hammer glitches, they kind of fixed it, but overall didn’t fix it, & then re-added several other bugs back to the game. I am hoping they sort those bugs out & we get a more consistent game for the rest of the season.

Here are some of the more recent videos! As of this posting I am only up to 23 crown wins & Division 7, but there is still some time left.

Also, here are some screenshots.

Recently I did the Plankerton defense. I am currently preparing for Canny.

Here’s an older clip from a previous season that I found on discord.