Fortnite 12-21-2019

Well, the levels don’t even seem to matter anymore.
I got the final kill on this one with a bunch of random people.
In this fight I had the bright idea of grabbing some extra lightsabers & I dropped them on the ground in the middle of one of the islands near the end of the match & I won because they all tried to get the lighersaber! It was nuts. I was so happy to see my bait worked & they just kept coming until it was over. I’m not sure at which point they realized I was just using the lightsaber as bait, but after my squad member grabbed Kylo’s lightsaber, I dropped Luke’s & did it again. It made the win that much more satisfying. I also completed a challenge.
I ended up getting a lot of fast wins late at night, which was great.
Triple kill with a harpoon gun!

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