3-31-2020 Update

I’m still here & for more frequent updates check my Youtube & Twitch! I modified this cartoon & changed GoldenEye to Fortnite. Also, I am switching Youtube pages so for now you can see all my old videos through the link above & in the future I’ll update the link but until there is more content I’ll leave that old link & just post the new videos here & to get there you can use the video link. The Twitch videos will remain as long as Twitch leaves them up, but they usually remove them after so many days.
As of this morning, this is my most recent win. I won this game with Gavin & Dillon late yesterday.
This is a trio squad win I had yesterday.
This is one of two wins I had with Oro.
This was a pickup squad where I was fighting alongside the other two remaining players & they bailed on me but we still got the win.

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